Muscle Strain and Tear
Muscle Strain and Tear
A muscle strain or tear indicates an injury to a muscle. This is often accompanied by pain, swelling weakness and muscle tightness. The most injured muscles are the high speed and load muscles such as the hamstrings, quadriceps, calf, back and biceps muscles.
Muscle tear grades
Grade 1, mild strain where only a few fibres have been injured
Grade 2, moderate strain, where a larger number of fibres have been injured
Grade 3, severe strain or complete rupture .
Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the strain or tear.
In ATP Physio Clinic offers a variety of treatment techniques and professional advice to help the muscle recover as fast as possible. The treatments for injured muscles include massage, electrotherapy, ultrasound therapy and advice on the most appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises.
In some cases to speed up the recovery process we offer PRP injections, as a useful tool to muscle regeneration and fibre reconstruction, acceleration of healing process and elimination the inflammation process especially in grade 2/3.
Initial Physiotherapy Treatment

PRP Joint And Soft Tissues Injections