Shoulder Pain
Pain in the area of the shoulder joint and arm is a common condition, especially in the elderly and an individual who are trying to workout weightlifting. Most often it is associated with damage to the tissues surrounding the joint and degenerative disease, although it can be the result of inflammatory diseases, as well as those not related to the musculoskeletal system.
The shoulder joint, which connects the upper limb to the trunk, is composed of several joints and has the greatest range of motion of all joints in the body. The bony structures humerus, scapula, clavicle, and sternum are surrounded by numerous ligaments, muscles, tendons and bursa, which ensure stabilization of the shoulder and smooth movements. The most important role is played by the so-called rotator cuff a group of four muscles and their tendons surrounding one of the joints the shoulder joint.
Shoulder pain is common. Their most common cause are overloads, repetitive micro-overloads, and injuries of the surrounding soft tissues mainly the rotator cuff, arising during everyday activities or sports activities. The underlying cause of shoulder pain may be degenerative changes that increase with age, although shoulder osteoarthritis is less common than other joints.
Possible Shoulder related Conditions
Frozen Shoulder
AC Joint Injury
Rotator Cuff Injury
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Any Form of Shoulder Tendonitis
Tendon tear
Shoulder Arthritis
In ATP Physio Clinic for any above condition, we are fully qualified to bring pain relief, improve the shoulder condition. Depends of the injury we offer the injection therapy mostly the PRP joints and soft tissue injections connected with high quality physiotherapy. We apply joint mobilisation techniques, ultrasound therapy, electromagnetic therapy, massage and individual tailored exercise plan.
Initial Physiotherapy Treatment

Hyaluronic Acid Joint Injections

PRP Joint And Soft Tissues Injections