Hopi Ear Candling, or Thermo Auricular Therapy as it is also known, can be used to treat many conditions affecting the head, nose and throat and ears such as sinus congestion, excessive ear wax, sore throats, hay fever and noises in the ears such as ringing, tinnitus etc. It also offers a relaxing and calming effect in cases of stress and many people feel revitalised and rebalanced afterwards.
You will lie comfortably on your side, where the therapist will place the candle in your ear and light it. Work on a chimney principle, the candles draw any impurities to the surface where they can be gently removed. This is a painless, relaxing experience which can rejuvinate the whole body - you may feel a warmth around your head and find yourself getting drowsy. The candles equalise the pressure in the head and ears making them suitable for most conditions.