PRP Hair Loss Therapy: Risks, Benefits and What to Expect

PRP Hair Loss Therapy: Risks, Benefits and What to Expect

Jan 31, 2023

Anna Tempczyk

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, is showing great promise as an effective treatment for hair restoration. Rather than altering hormone levels or physically transplanting healthier hair, PRP uses the body's own natural healing process to stimulate hair regeneration.


    PRP stimulates the body's innate healing cascade. When we experience an injury, our body responds by delivering a rush of platelet cells. When these platelets are activated, they release several types of growth factors, proteins, and cytokines that play a fundamental role in cell regeneration and tissue healing.


    But PRP takes the natural healing response one step further by separating platelets from other blood components and concentrating them. This specially prepared platelet-rich plasma contains 5 to 10 times the concentration of platelets found in whole blood. The concentrated PRP is then delivered into and around the balding and thinning areas of the scalp via injection, stimulating and significantly strengthening the body's healing response.

    The growth factors in the platelets act on stem cells located in the hair follicles. This stimulates the growth of new hair follicles.


    Since PRP is an autologous therapy, using the patient's own blood product, there is no risk of cross reactivity, disease transmission, or immune reaction.


    Likewise PRP hair loss therapy is treatment full of benefits :


    • Increase the reproduction of hair-forming cells
    • Increase the survival and reproduction of hair follicle cells
    • Increase the length of the hair's anagen phase
    • Increase hair density in patients with androgenic alopecia (baldness).
    • Minimally invasive treatment without incisions
    • Well-tolerated with very few sides effects
    • Little to no downtime
    • All-natural without additional medications or treatments


      PRP is considered as a low risk treatment, however patient during the session may experience


        • Mild pain at the injection side
        • Headache
        • Infection which is extremely rare


      Treatment expectations


      To create a Platelet Rich Plasma preparation, the following steps are performed:


      • A small sample of blood is drawn from the patient and injected into the blood tube.
      • The platelets are then separated from the other blood components and their concentration is increased using the centrifuge.
      • The resulting platelet rich plasma is then injected into and around the affected areas of the patient's scalp.
      • The concentrated growth factors contained in the plasma trigger a mild inflammatory response which effectively jump starts the body's own natural healing response.



      You will likely have an easy recovery period with this non-surgical hair loss treatment. You may have some slight redness or sensitivity in the area for a short time which dissipates quickly.

      You can resume work, exercise, and other activities right away. After a couple of hours, you can continue your normal hair care routine, though you should refrain from chemical colouring or other harsher hair treatments for about 72 hours.


      First results may be seen around 4-6 weeks from the treatment.

      Number of sessions are various but should not be less than 6 spaced out 4-6 weeks apart.

      Complex baldness may require monthly PRP injections for a duration of four to six months. Annual maintenance therapy may be required for maximum effectiveness.


      PRP hair therapy helps


      • Thicken your hair
      • Increase hair density
      • Increase the numbers of hairs on your head


      It’s worth to try this method before deciding for a hair transplant due of low risk, minimum invasiveness, well tolerated by the body and great body response.